Fundoshi '98 in Sapporo
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All of a sudden you will notice that we have four clothed people in the picture. Our entourage consisted of two vans this year. Well at one point this little car is beside the van I'm in. We all look down at them and of course they're staring at us. We wave and they start to follow us. I'm not sure if they first saw us scrambling around a site taking pictures or they just noticed us in the vans. In any case they come running out with us at the next stop and jump into the picture. Of course I tried to get the girls to take their clothes off but it didn't happen. Now let's think about was happening. What kind of double date was this. It's about 4 am. Yesterday was a holiday but businesses will be up and running in just a few hours. The four of them looked to be about 20 or younger. They were driving through the snow festival sculptures at 4 am. I'm referring to the time before they saw us. What was the purpose? The obvious answer is sex of course (why else does a man spend money on a woman) but it seemed to be somewhat of a strange date to me. And somehow I don't see how tagging on to us would impress their dates much. But they most certainly did tag onto us for a while.
This statue was created as a tribute to Japan's participation in the France World Cup. People are pretty soccer crazy these days and Japan getting that far was pretty damn amazing. I have no idea but I suspect a lot of non-native speaking players are on the team. Here's a little shot with a sign we picked up along the way. I wanted to take it home but it was kind of big.
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Last Modified May 20, 1998