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Most recent changes 30th August 2007. 最近の変更だ。
How to contact me. 僕への連絡方法だ。
My recent research concerns snow avalanches, snow transport and related phenomenon such as rock slides. 現在の研究は雪崩と吹雪とこれ に関することだ。
Lots of pictures relates to skiing, climbing, other sports, parties, and even work.
Mostly climbing and skiing. 主に登山とスキーに関心がある。
Pages about Japanese language, and climbing and skiing in Japan. 日本語や日本の 登山や日本のスキーなどだ。
Freely available computer software. A collection of Fortran 90/95 routines for scientific calculation, an aeolian saltation simulation program and a code for Discrete Element Method simulations.