Fundoshi '98 in Sapporo
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Another Runner rushes up, puts his arm around the guard, and the guard politely poses for the shot, Little did he know that it would end up online. Don't you just LOVE technology.
I *really* like the shot above. It's one my favorites despite the lack of a sculpture.
Here we have a nice clear, close shot of everyone's smiling faces. What did I tell you about Ms. K? Pretty hot eh? This year hats seemed to be in vogue (although I went without) not to mention ice climbing. Warning to all you kids at home. Do not. I repeat. Do not try this at home. Do not climb ice sculptures while wearing nothing but a fundoshi and crampons unless you are a trained professional (or nuts) like the guy we had on hand that night. I can't remember if he was professionally trained to climb in a fundoshi or just nuts but I assure he had one or the other of the qualifications.
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Last Modified May 20, 1998